Diversity. Inclusion. Transformation. Social Justice. All terms that we are very familiar with. And even more passionate about working on.

Aligned to global best practice models and policies, we helped establish and launch 5 Affiliate Network Support groups at Barclays Africa; LBGTIQ+, Disability, Gender, Multi-Cultural and Multi-Generational. We were integral in instituting committee’s and volunteer programmes across 12 countries in support of these Networks. The team were also involved in developing content and managing communications, creative assets, events and activities to bring attention to these communities.

Advocating equality and freedom for all, Traction is particularly focused on supporting members of the Queer community (LGBTIQ+).

We believe that transformation begins with authentic conversations and meaningful interventions. Personal transformation is the key to change.

Traction has been integral in establishing the Uthingo Community Haven- a refuge and safe space for members of the LGBTIQ+ community in Gauteng. We also have representation in various LGBTIQ+ advocacy and community building organisations including The Forum and The Round Table.


Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress